Etiquette 101: How to handle real situations in the real world part I – develop your Teflon qualities

Etiquette 101: How to handle real situations in the real world part I – develop your Teflon qualities

A true test of a person’s manners is when he or she is challenged by rude and inconsiderate behaviours. It is incredibly hard to stay calm and non-defensive when facing such situations. We chanced upon some really good advise by a young author. In her book, Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps, Kelly Williams Brown brilliantly describes the kind of quality that we can learn and adopt to navigate through life’s complex situations with poise and grace, “From here on out, always, you are a smooth, unblemished surface to which even the crustiest meanness, bitterness, anger, and craziness cannot affix themselves. The gross social output of others slides off you. The bad moods, the dark looks, the curt replies: All of this you process, yes, but only in passing, and not in a way that changes anything in the long run. To move on, you need nothing more than a gentle wipe with a paper towel, not the emotional equivalent of soaking in dish soap overnight. You are a grown up, and you get to decide what behaviours affect you for five minutes versus what behaviours change you as a person.”

We hope you find this helpful 😉